Waypoint School Age Kids
Service | |
Infants | |
Toddlers | |
Preschool | |
Pre-K | |
Kindergarten | |
Pre-K | |
Allows early drop-off | |
Allows late pickup | |
Provides transportation |
CHILD CARE: Provides quality, licensed child care to children Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Waypoint serves children of all social-economic levels and offers special financial assistance to families who qualify. The program includes before and after school care, as well-as all-day care during school breaks, unscheduled school closings, and summer vacation.
Contact Information
contact: Liz Hoskinscontact_title: Executive Director
license_granted: 0000-00-00
license_expires: 0000-00-00
Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm,School days: 6:30 am until school begins; school dismiss
Special Services
Many schools and daycare centers offer special services such as bi-lingual and translation services, food programs, special needs assistance.
Cost and fees
This costs, tuition, and fees for this facility are subject to change without notice. If you are aware of any unpublished costs please comment below.