Pusch Ridge Preschool
Service | |
Infants | |
Toddlers | |
Preschool | |
Pre-K | |
Kindergarten | |
Pre-K | |
Allows early drop-off | |
Allows late pickup | |
Provides transportation |
Our innovative curriculum, based on the teachings of early childhood education�s pioneers Jean Piaget and Erik Erickson, focuses on developing social competence and intellectual capacity through active learning in a variety of learning environments. Your child will discover foreign languages, computers, esteem-building programs, integrated project approach units, pioneering mathematics instruction and a comprehensive literacy program. Pusch Ridge Preschool & Kindergarten offers pioneering education and premier care for children from six weeks through Kindergarten, as well as stimulating after school, intersession and summer camp enrichment programs for school age children through 11 years old.
Contact Information
license_granted: 0000-00-00license_expires: 0000-00-00
Special Services
Many schools and daycare centers offer special services such as bi-lingual and translation services, food programs, special needs assistance.
Cost and fees
This costs, tuition, and fees for this facility are subject to change without notice. If you are aware of any unpublished costs please comment below.
Child Care Services,Preschools & Kindergartens,Edu