Pine Crest Private School
Service | |
Infants | |
Toddlers | |
Preschool | |
Pre-K | |
Kindergarten | |
Pre-K | |
Allows early drop-off | |
Allows late pickup | |
Provides transportation |
We believe the most important beginning of a child�s life is the training they receive. Our main objective is to teach responsibility and courtesy, building lifetime learning and development experiences, and encouraging the talents and gifts of each child. We will fill your child�s day with play, wonder, drawing, painting, singing and some just plain old letting kids-be-kids. We will create an atmosphere that promotes a warm, entertaining environment that gives children the freedom to explore and learn. We hope when they go out into the world, no matter how old they are, they will recall their childhood memories at Pinecrest and wish they were young again.
Contact Information
license_granted: 0000-00-00license_expires: 0000-00-00
Special Services
Many schools and daycare centers offer special services such as bi-lingual and translation services, food programs, special needs assistance.
Cost and fees
This costs, tuition, and fees for this facility are subject to change without notice. If you are aware of any unpublished costs please comment below.
Child Care Services,Preschools & Kindergartens,Edu