Clarksburg, WV Home Day Care Centers
We have listed all of the day care providers we have in Clarksburg, WV. Select on a listing to find full details.
We provide as many details on each child care center as possible, this includes hours, drop off times, costs and fees.

Chums Early Learning Child Care Center
212 Liberty Ave
Clarksburg, WV - 26301
304- 622-5476
Clarksburg, WV - 26301

Chums Early Learning Child Care Center
212 Liberty Ave
Clarksburg, WV - 26301
304- 622-5476
Clarksburg, WV - 26301

Clutters 24 Hour Care
Buckhannon Pike
Clarksburg, WV - 26301
304- 622-8002
Clarksburg, WV - 26301

Clutters 24 Hour Care
Buckhannon Pike
Clarksburg, WV - 26301
304- 622-8002
Clarksburg, WV - 26301

Stealey United Methodist Child Development Center
521 Milford St
Clarksburg, WV - 26301
304- 622-0299
Clarksburg, WV - 26301

Stealey United Methodist Child Development Center
521 Milford St
Clarksburg, WV - 26301
304- 622-0299
Clarksburg, WV - 26301

Harrison County YMCA
6338 Lowndes
Hill Park
Clarksburg, WV - 26301
304- 623-3304
Clarksburg, WV - 26301

Chums Early Learning Child Care Center
212 Liberty Ave
Clarksburg, WV - 26301
304- 622-5476
Clarksburg, WV - 26301

Clutters 24 Hour Care
Buckhannon Pike
Clarksburg, WV - 26301
304- 622-8002
Clarksburg, WV - 26301