Des Moines, IA Home Day Care Centers
We have listed all of the day care providers we have in Des Moines, IA. Select on a listing to find full details.
We provide as many details on each child care center as possible, this includes hours, drop off times, costs and fees.

Child Care Resource & Referral Of Central Iowa
808 5Th Ave
Des Moines, IA - 50309
(515) 246-3560
Des Moines, IA - 50309

Teddy Bear Town
Scavo Campus 1800 Grand Avenue(515) 242-7589 - Scavo Campus
Des Moines, IA - 50309
(515) 242-7589;
Des Moines, IA - 50309

Oakridge Neighborhood Early Enrichment Child Care Center
1236 Oakridge Drive
Des Moines, IA - 50314
(515) 244-7702;
Des Moines, IA - 50314

Iowa Department of Human Services - Polk County
River Place 2309 Euclid Avenue(515)
725-2600 - River Place
Des Moines, IA - 50310
Des Moines, IA - 50310

ChildServe Woodland Center
644 24th Street (515) 280-5332 -
Des Moines, IA - 50312
(515) 280-5332;
Des Moines, IA - 50312

Child Development Center (CFI)
801 Forest Avenue (515) 282-2193 -
Des Moines, IA - 50314
(515) 282-2193;
Des Moines, IA - 50314

Child Care for Homeless Families
1216 Martin Luther King Parkway
(515) 288-7884 -
Des Moines, IA - 50314
(515) 288-7884;
Des Moines, IA - 50314

Child Care Assistance - Iowa Department of Human Services
Des Moines, IA - 50305
Des Moines, IA - 50305

Bidwell-Riverside Child Development Center
1203 South East Hartford
Avenue (515) 244-2268 - Child Dev. Center
Des Moines, IA - 50315
Des Moines, IA - 50315