Soquel, CA Home Day Care Centers
We have listed all of the day care providers we have in Soquel, CA. Select on a listing to find full details.
We provide as many details on each child care center as possible, this includes hours, drop off times, costs and fees.

Mid County Children's Center
305 Alturas Way
Soquel, CA - 95073
(831) 476-8890
Soquel, CA - 95073

Rocking Horse Ranch Preschool
4134 Fairway Dr.
Soquel, CA - 95073
(831) 462-2702
Soquel, CA - 95073

Santa Cruz Community Counseling Head Start Center
3060 Cunnison Lane
Soquel, CA - 95073
(831) 724-3885
Soquel, CA - 95073

Santa Cruz Community Counseling Headstart Center
6500 Soquel Drive, Bldg. 1700
Soquel, CA - 95003
(831) 477-5275
Soquel, CA - 95003

Santa Cruz Montessori School (Toddler Campus)
2446 Cabrillo College Drive
Soquel, CA - 95073
(831) 465-7681
Soquel, CA - 95073