Livingston, CA Home Day Care Centers
We have listed all of the day care providers we have in Livingston, CA. Select on a listing to find full details.
We provide as many details on each child care center as possible, this includes hours, drop off times, costs and fees.

Livingston Child Development Center
848 Prusso Street
Livingston, CA - 95334
(209) 394-5433
Livingston, CA - 95334

Schelby Head Start/Merced Co. Office Of Education
6738 North Sultana Drive
Livingston, CA - 95334
(209) 723-4771
Livingston, CA - 95334

Walnut Child Development Center
2600 Walnut Avenue
Livingston, CA - 95334
(209) 394-5485
Livingston, CA - 95334